Our dairy success. We can do the same for your business; big or small.

We inspire

We use our experience and expertise to jointly create a plan for your business that best suits your goals.

We serve you

We implemented change and bring success

We achieve results

We are passionate about what we do and love to see winning results.

A glimse into the Dairy world

CTEC has enabled The Farmers Dairy, South Africa to flourish and become the company it is today. They are the pioneers of this technology and their business has grown from strength to strength.

Farmers dairy has successfully partnered with the Cairnbrogie dairy farm to achieve success for both the farmer and the dairy on the farm. They have a wonderful team of dedicated people, young and old, all making the dairy the success that it is today. It is the first company to use this technology for the purifying of milk. No one else, to our knowledge, has succeeded in doing this. After years of assisting them with obtaining the necessary stringent health department approval, this small business has thrived.

Andrew Hill, owner of Cairnbrogie dairy farm is his happy to grow our business with us.

Some of the dairy customers

Reach out to us

Do you want to reach out for more information or see how we can help you? Feel free to reach out to us.

Cost  and energy saving purification  technology for all liquids

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Science behind the Tech

Who we are

Our Installations


Business streamline
Technological design and restructure
Technological implimentation

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26 Farmhill Park


09:00AM – 5:00PM